Corporate succession

Who wins when relationships and business interests conflict? 

The Steinbeis answer - Both!

 Let's plan ahead

When your business is ready to change hands, make sure you have all the help.

Successions can be complex. Whether you want to entrust your business to your family or your partner, conflict can arise in unexpected ways. When is the right time and how exactly should the exit and the handover proceed? Would problems arise after the handover? 

With a good mediator at your side, all aspects, ideas, expectations and concerns are heard. The conflict is laid out openly and worked out. All this takes place in a structured way and you have a clear overview at all times of how to proceed.

Contact us to have a mediation designed specifically for your business succession needs. Ensure a win-win for your heirs and yourself with our competent and discreet mediators.

 Why Steinbeis?

The Steinbeis mediator is only interested in conflict management and thus remains impartial, which is why you can rely on the best solution for all involved parties.

Closing your succession negotiations amicably yet constructively ensures positive relationships between your heir and you. 

Why is an external perpspective so important, especially in the case of within-family handovers? Watch Prof. Dr. Gernot Barth, publisher of the magazine 'Die Mediation' in conversation with Ms. Brigitte Zypries, publisher of the 'DUB UNTERNHMER' magazine about the benefits and advantages of mediation in a company succession.

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IKOME | Steinbeis Mediation

Head office: LEIPZIG

Hohe Straße 11
04107 Leipzig

Tel.: 0341 2 25 13 18


